Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Effects Of Gangs - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1218 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gang Violence Essay Did you like this example? The effects of gangs in the lower-middle-higher class communities is an important issue to be aware of, for the fact that it causes a lot of problems in society. Currently, gangs have been increasing within communities causing negative effects on neighborhoods and their youth. A gang can be defined as a group of three or more individuals who associate together and have the same clothing or color styles and commit crimes from all different of levels. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Effects Of Gangs" essay for you Create order People are upset with gang members and the outpour they bring, which includes harassing the community, encouraging their local youth to join, and publicly displaying inappropriate behavior. It is not only important to be able to recognize the level of a community and the gang problems within them, but also to see what actions can be taken to prevent more gang problems before they become greater in society. When it comes to gangs it has been noted that in communities with a reduced population of no more than 50,000, gangs tend to be much smaller with only a hand full of members. Typically, they form as fast as they dissolve because it is hard to start up a gang and recruit members that will stay committed for a long period. In these areas the conflict for gang leaders is to keep members devoted before members realize what a waste of time the gang life is. In a small populated zone there can be up to three different gangs at max with roughly fifty members or less in each. In larger populations between 50,000 and 100,000 typically report between 4â€Å"15 gangs and about 50â€Å"200 members. (2). As the population of towns, rural counties, and cities increases, the issue of gangs seems to also be increasing for the communities and society at large. Larger cities have a much longer, more extensive history of gang problems†nearly half have experienced ongoing gang problems since before the 1990s.(5) Whether a community be small, average, or enormous in size, there is always a purpose for joining a gang or associating with them. Quite often, the data shows that there are reasons an individual might be interested in joining a gang which include protection, power, money, or peer pressure. Communities who are considered to be at a lower economic class level, typically see a higher rate of gang activity. A reason behind this is that these areas have been left unsupervised without leadership, or adherence from any local law or community leaders. This has left the people with low income communities to fend for themselves and makes it more challenging to protect themselves and their children. These communities can be seen as ?broken windows theory which happens in many communities who are considered to be lower economic classes. This allows for gangs to encourage youth to join their ranks and see what benefits might come from being in a gang. These benefits often include protection from other rival gangs who come to their neighborhood and harass them, or in some cases threaten to kill them. Of these reasons, youth most commonly join gangs for the safety they believe the gang provides. (3) In addition, protection can be given to those individuals or families who may need it. Money and power can both be obtained by joining a gang in these lower income communities, which is often another reason children decide to join. When seeing their older family members or siblings partaking in these kinds of behaviors, it inspires the youth in these communities to follow in their footsteps making it quite likely that one day they will be actively involved in delinquency, drug use, and violence in comparison to youth in higher income level community. Exposure to violence during youth has long-term life consequences.(4) In these communities being surrounded by gangs 24/7 encourages children and families to join the lifestyle rather than prevent this lifestyle. Middle economic class levels typically are surrounded by some gangs but arent seen around the community as much. In these areas fewer crimes are committed and less pressure is placed on joining gangs from peers. Occasionally people might see a gang walking around or graffiti on a wall, but you dont see gangs strolling around on every single block. Influences in these communities are much more serious and positive because communities in this general state actually work to strengthen families and schools. The work to improve community supervision, and to train teachers and parents to manage disruptive youth. These factors play a huge role in protecting the community and the kids who live around the neighborhood. Without a doubt there are some adolescents in this general area that may be involved in gang activities but as mentioned above, it is quite minimal in these communities because of the support of local community leaders and families. In higher economic class levels, they depict picture perfect communities where there are no gangs in sight. Typically, a community of this sort is protected by officers who patrol around the neighborhood and in addition, many of these communities are gated to prevent further issues. There may be graffiti around, but it does not imply that there is a gang problem in these communities; this can just be a person who comes there to tag. If any issues would arise it would most likely be because of drugs being sold or used in these communities. In these communities, gangs arent really relevant, but drugs dealers may be. Those drug dealers who are associated with gangs are not there to recruit youth, they are there to merely make a profit. It is clear that as economic class levels rise, the crimes decrease because the communities work to improve its protection and enforce its laws. The best possible way to ensure that communities are not being infected by gangs or corrupting the youth, is by making sure they have Safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments Exposer to gangs during youth has long-term life consequences. Whether seeing gang members commit crimes, grafting walls, seeing drugs sold etc., all these exposures damage society and its youth. The best way to prevent this is to apply characteristics like strengthening families, increasing adult supervision of students after school, teaching students that gangs can be dangerous, improving community-level supervision of youth etc. It is prudent to locate gang prevention programs in schools because student risk levels for multiple problem behaviors can be easily identified (1). These are just a few things that could make a difference in any community even if there are no gang problems at the moment. There is always help available, community members just need to look for it and ask for aid in improving the gang problems in their communities. In short, it can be said that no matter what community a person lives in, there are many issues that can disturb that community. There is definitely a considerable amount of influences that come from gangs, but the effects can always be changed or prevented. The best way to eliminate or reduce gang activity in a community is to establish a tight cooperation between law enforcement and the community. Proper actions need to be taken to protect the community, especially the youth who are the future. In the end it is really all just about cooperating with and working with others to improve the community and hoping for the best.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Organizational Culture Of Lush Essay - 1760 Words

Lush is a leading cosmetics manufacturer and retailer with famous of its hand made bath and beauty products. Brandi,as the director and brand communications for Lush in North American, took an undercover and worked as a ground floor in manufacturing plant and retail shop of Lush in Vancouver. In the process of undercover, the organizational culture, leadership style and motivation methods of Lush is revealed. This essay will recognize the good and bad practice of Lush through its culture, leadership style and motivation methods and their impact on stakeholders. The recommendation will also be given in the essay. 1. Organizational culture of Lush Through the process of undercover, first of all, the organizational culture of Lush can be recognized. The Organizational culture of Lush can be considered as type of hierarchy culture. According to Mckee (2011), organizational culture is a set of shared belief and values developed inside an organization which guide the behaviour of members of the organization. K. S. Cameron (2006) also stated in the competing values framework that organizational culture can be divided into four categories: clan culture, hierarchy culture, adhocracy culture and market culture. In the process of undercover, Lush’s organizational culture can be regarded as a kind of hierarchy culture. According to competing values model, hierarchy culture focus on the control of the business. It encourage stability. The company with this type of culture has structuredShow MoreRelatedUndercover Boss - Lush s Organizational Culture Essay1597 Words   |  7 PagesUndercover Boss – Lush Cosmetics Lush’s organizational culture Overall Lush displays the clan organisational culture, which means that Lush focuses more on the internal aspects of the business and malleability aspect of a business rather than having a stable and controlling business. (Kinicki et al, pg. 251) By looking at Schein s organizational culture model, it identifies the different levels of lush’s organisational culture. The observable artefacts layer of Lush’s organisational culture is the happinessRead MoreBeauty Company With Moral Credentials Essay1612 Words   |  7 PagesFounded in 1995, Beauty Company ‘Lush’ is an international chain that sells handmade hair, body and skin care products. With over 650 stores in over 40 countries, Lush is an ethical company with moral credentials. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Negotiation Jujitsu Free Essays

What if They Won’t Play (Use Negotiation Jujitsu) Getting to YesNegotiating Agreement Without Giving In By Roger Fisher and William Ury Vikas Singh Ed Hill What if They Won’t Play †¢ Theymaystatetheirpositioninunequivocal terms †¢ Concernedonlywithmaximizingtheirowngains †¢ Theymayattackyouinplaceofattackingthe problems Three Basic Strategies †¢ What you can do †¢ What they can do – Negotiation Jujitsu †¢ What a third party can do – One Text Mediation Procedure Negotiation Jujitsu Three Basic Maneuvers Asserting their position forcefully †¢ Attacking your ideas †¢ Attacking you Don’t attack their position, look behind it †¢ Neither reject nor accept the position †¢ Treat it as one possible option †¢ Look for interest and principles behind it †¢ Think of ways to improve it Don’t defend your ideas, invite criticism and advice †¢ Invite criticism, instead of resisting it †¢ As k them what is wrong with a particular idea or an option †¢ Use their criticism and advice to find out their underlying interests and principles †¢ Rework your ideas in light of what you learn Recast an attack on you as an attack on the problem †¢ Resist the temptation to defend yourself or attack them †¢ Listen to them †¢ Understand what they are saying †¢ Recast their attack on you as an attack on the problem Ask questions and pause †¢ Use questions instead of statements †¢ Silence One-text procedure Call in a third party to: †¢ Separate the people from the problem †¢ Direct the discussion to interests and options †¢ Suggest impartial basis for resolving differences †¢ Separate invention from decision making How does a third party do this Asksabouttheinterestsratherthanpositions †¢ Learnallabouttheirneedsandinterests †¢ Suggest a provisional solution/recommendation †¢ Askthemtocritiqueitorsuggestimprovements †¢ Improvisetherecommendationinlightofinputs †¢ Presentthefinalsolution Getting them to play: The case of Jones Realty and Frank Turnbull †¢$600 rent per month †¢Apartment under rent control †¢Max rent at $466 per month †¢Mrs. Jones reimburses after several long principled negotiation sessions Stock Phrases †¢ â€Å"Please correct me if I’m wrong. † †¢ â€Å"We appreciate what you’ve done for us. We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiation Jujitsu or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢ â€Å"Our concern is fairness† †¢ â€Å"We would like to settle this on the basis of Independent standards, not of who can do what to whom† †¢ â€Å"Trust is a separate issue† Stock Phrases (cont. ) †¢ â€Å"CouldIaskyouafewquestionstoseewhether my facts are right? † †¢ â€Å"What’stheprinciplebehindyouraction? † †¢ â€Å"LetmeseeifIunderstandwhatyou’resaying† †¢ â€Å"Letmegetbacktoyou† †¢ â€Å"Let me show you where I have trouble following some of your reasoning Stock Phrases (cont. ) †¢ â€Å"One fair solution might be. † †¢ â€Å"If we agree.. If we disagree. † â€Å"We’d be happy to see if we can leave when it’s most convenient for you† †¢ â€Å"It’s been a pleasure dealing with you† â€Å"Please correct me If I’m wrong† †¢ Establish dialogue based on reason †¢ Invitation to participat e †¢ Good probability you won’t â€Å"lose face† †¢ Opening to correction and persuasion sets the tone â€Å"We appreciate what you’ve done for us† †¢ Through support, separate people from problem †¢ Defuses self-image threat †¢ Other side now has something to lose: – Praise and support â€Å"Our concern is fairness† †¢ Take basic stand on principle †¢ Remain open Both ends and means to accomplish ends are principled â€Å"We would like to settle this on the basis of independent standards, no of who can do what to whom† †¢ Don’t lose temper- and thus, control †¢ Bring negotiation back to merits †¢ Good example of negotiation jujitsu †¢ Reinforces principled negotiation â€Å"Trust is a separate Issue† †¢ Slip out of corner †¢ Remain firm on the principle â€Å"Could I ask you a few questions to see whether my facts are right? † †¢ Statements of fact can be threatening, questions are better †¢ Phrasing info as questions allows open participation Lays foundation for agreed upon facts â€Å"What’s the principle behind your action? † †¢ A principled negotiator neither accepts nor rejects other side’s opinion †¢ Leads other side to search for reasons †¢ Negotiation continues on principle â€Å"Let me see If I understand what you’re saying† †¢ Principled negotiation requires good communication †¢ Other side more likely to listen and be more receptive â€Å"Let me get back to you† †¢ Good negotiator rarely makes important decisions on the spot †¢ Timeanddistancehelptoseparatepeoplefrom problem Goodnegotiatorscomestotablewithcredible reason for leaving †¢ Allowsdiscussionwithconstituents(Paul) †¢ Freshcommitmenttoprinciplednegotiation â€Å"Let me show you where I have trouble following some of your reasoning† †¢ Present reasons before offering proposal †¢ Proposal first will often lead to other side not listening to reasons – Considering counterproposals â€Å"One fair solution might be. † †¢ Proposal not as yours, but as fair option †¢ Proposal not as only solution, but one fair solution â€Å"If we agree.. If we disagree. † †¢ Try to make it easy for other side †¢ Trickiest part is to communicate the alternative Use of third party – Creates distance, thus, separation of people from problems †¢ Don’t always reveal BATNA â€Å"We’d be happy to see if we can leave when it’s most convenient for you† †¢ Incorporate other side’s interests †¢ Allows for other side to â€Å"save face† †¢ Other side feels good about agreement â€Å"It’s been a pleasure dealing with you† †¢ End on a good note †¢ Reestablishes principle of separation of people from problem †¢ Relationship maintained Summary †¢ You can get the other side to play principled negotiation, even if they don’t want to at first †¢ Principled negotiation, negotiation jujitsu, or a third party all work How to cite Negotiation Jujitsu, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Interview with David Field, Managing Director at Nestle Foodservices free essay sample

The article presents an interview with David Field, managing director at Nestle Foodservices. When asked about the factor in the food sector that appeals to him, he referred to partnering with clients and suppliers to find the right solutions to develop the hospitality industry at large. He stated his stand on the issue of vending machines in schools being branded as unhealthy. He cited the importance of market research to the company. Section: INFOZONE SUPPLIER SPOTLIGHT Nestle Foodservices Its almost a year since David Field joined Nestle Foodservices as managing director from research company Fusion FSM. Diane Lane spoke to him about market trends, nurturing young talent, and breakfast beverages Caterer So David, youre a food service veteran what is it about this sector that so appeals to you? DF Across which other industry would you find such commitment, diversity and passion? Its an industry where I feel a real difference can be made. That difference might be in partnering our clients and other suppliers to find the right solutions to develop the hospitality industry at large, or in developing products of the future that, at present, you and I cant even start to imagine. Its exciting, its fast-moving, its flexible and no two days are ever the same. Caterer Like most of us, Im sure you need the odd confectionery fix to get you through the day. What treats does the managing director of Nestle Foodservices keep in his lunchbox? DF Naturally, I choose our very own favourite break, Kit Kat. Did you know that in Japanese Kit Kat means good luck? And sales rocket at the time of student exams†¦ Caterer Many Nestle confectionery products are sold in vending machines. Where do you stand on the issue of vending machines in schools being branded as unhealthy? DF In my school days balance seemed to be much more in evidence than it is now. Lifestyles were undoubtedly different, and there are many influencing factors to todays situation, but I do believe that it is now the responsibility of us all to encourage young people to make the right choices. We have been working very closely with our education customers in recent years to help children make healthy vending choices and have recently introduced the Refuel:Pod. A ending machine developed specifically for schools which contains a choice of healthier items, including water and cereal bars, and features graphic images of young people involved in physical activity to remind youngsters how important it is to achieve the right balance of exercise and food intake. Caterer Having been spotted recently drinking a cup of tea at a breakfast in Glasgow, what actually is your favourite morning beverage? DF Every day is different†¦ and, yes, I do admit to enjoying a cup of tea on occasion. Like everyone, my choice of beverage will depend on my mood and the time of day, and that will dictate whether I choose tea, coffee or, at times, a soft drink or something stronger. Caterer Dont you have a research background? Tell me how important market research is to Nestle Foodservices. DF Its massively important. Our whole philosophy is based around listening to what our customers and their end consumers are telling us. One of our largest financial commitments is to research, and we have a bespoke research team which focuses on establishing out-of-home trends to support our customer needs and product development for the future. Caterer In your opinion, what are the key trends or issues that will affect the market over the next couple of years? DF I would say that health and wellbeing are by far the biggest issues affecting all sectors of the food industry at present. The old adage You are what you eat is being widely accepted, and we are all becoming more aware of the need for balance. This, together with more stringent Government legislation, means that anyone involved in the supply of food products needs to deliver products and ranges which are as healthy as possible. Caterer How can food service operators benefit from market research, and how can they get hold of it? DF Every company, whatever its size, can benefit from market research. Publishing houses, the internet and research companies all offer operators a chance to access valuable research data, and even though operators may not have the resources of bespoke research facilities at their fingertips, even top-line research that can be undertaken at relatively low cost can be a good indicator. Caterer This years Nestle Toque dOr competition showcased some fabulous catering talent from around the country. Why does Nestle feel its important to nurture young talent? DF This industry faces a potentially huge skills shortage in years to come. Initiatives such as Nestles Toque dOr benefit the whole market because they help develop emerging young talent and prepare students for the real world of work. Catering colleges across the country are doing an excellent job educating the next generation of talent, and Nestle Toque dOr provides us with an opportunity to support this education, recognise the amount of hard work that is going on and reward colleges and students accordingly. These are very exciting times for the hospitality industry, and if the UK is to maintain its well-deserved place on the culinary world stage, we need to ensure that we continue to develop young talent and promote the sector as a whole. Caterer Whats your favourite dish to whip up in the kitchen? DF Sadly, as my wife will testify, my love of good food does not translate to skill in the kitchen.